Project Properties – Spreading

The Spreading section of the Project Properties provides you with the ability to customise various properties associated with the spread calculation.

These options include rounding options for Sell Rates and Totals, misclose thresholds, and a range of options for determining how spread pools manage specific spread allocations.

To change the information in this section, click the Edit button  in the ribbon menu.

Project Properties window – Spreading


Calculation Type allows you to set the type of spread calculation that will be used within the project. There are two options available:



Item Sell Rates are determined based on an item’s contributing value

The amount of markup applied to an item is distributed proportionately based on each item’s estimated total.

Item Sell rates are determined based on an item’s Resource Type Content

The amount of markup applied to an item is distributed proportionately based on each item’s total for each resource type.

Example: All labour values are proportionately spread based on the labour value of each item.

Genesis edition only.


The Sell Rate Rounding options are determined by customisable rules based upon the quantities of the schedule items. These rules are applied during a spread calculation and round each item based on the rules specified. Click the Add Rule button to create a new rule in the Sell Rate Rounding section.



For schedule quantities up to (x) round Sell Rates to (y) decimals places

This option allows for specific Sell Rate decimal rounding rules based on quantities.

The (x) represents the quantity and the (y) represents the number of decimal places to round the Sell Rate.

Round Sell Rates to (x) decimal places

This option applies to all Sell Rate decimal places that are not set by any other rules.

The (x) represents the number of decimal places to round the Sell Rate to.

Rate Only items use the same Rounding Rules as Contributing Items

When checked, all Rate Only Items will inherit the same rounding rules set for Contributing Items. When Unchecked, specific rounding rules can be set for Rate Only items.

Always Roundup Sell Rates

When a calculation needs to determine the decimal amount to round to, it will always round up, regardless of any determined midpoint.

Locked Sell Rates and Nominated Values are subject to Sell Rate and Total Rounding Rules

When checked, any item that has a locked sell rate or nominated value will be rounded in accordance to the set Rounding Rules. When unchecked, items with locked sell rates or nominated values will be excluded from any rounding.




Round Sell Totals to (x) places

Specifies the number of decimal places that the sell totals for each item will be rounded to during the spread calculation.

The (x) represents the number of decimal places to round the Sell Total to.




Do not display a project message if a misclose value is less than (x)

When a Spread Calculation has been performed and the combined sell total for all contributing items is different to the estimated sell total, the deficit is known as a misclose.

The misclose threshold is the limit at which a project message will be raised.

The (x) represents an amount that will be tolerated as a difference between the Project Total in the Project Summary and the combined Sell Totals of all contributing Schedule Items after the Spread Calculation.

By default, the misclose threshold value is set to 1, any misclose value greater than 1 results in a project message being raised.

Raise a project message if the Effective Markup of an item is less than (x)

This option allows a percentage to be set as a minimum threshold for an item's effective markup.

A project message will be raised if an item's effective markup falls below this percentage.

Raise a project message if the Effective Markup of an item is greater than (x)

This option allows a percentage to be set as a maximum threshold for Effective markup.

A project message will be raised if an item's effective markup goes above this percentage.


The Specific Allocations options allow you to control how the proportional spread of the application is controlled while Hidden / Overhead Items are specifically allocated through the Spread Allocations window.



Item with specific allocations will also receive a normal spread of the allocated pool

This option will allow items with specific allocation to also be given a spread amount as well. By default, items with specific allocations will not incur regular spread.

Specific Allocations should be processed before Spread Pool

Includes the Specific Allocation value as part of the factor in determining the amount to apply to an item. When calculating a line amount the remaining specific allocations from a pool will be included in the factor along with remaining pool value.

When this option is off, the amount of spread an item receives is based on the estimated cost and not including the allocation that has been applied.

Genesis edition only.


The Zero-value targets section allows you to configure how the application distributes allocated value from Overhead or Hidden items with a weighting of Item Value, to items with a combined Estimated Total of $0.



Calculate the weighting of allocated value based on the Quantities of the target items

The allocation value will be proportionally spread amongst all items that the Overhead / Hidden item is currently allocated to based on the quantity of the item.

Distribute the allocated value evenly between the items

The allocation value will be evenly spread amongst all items that the Overhead / Hidden item is allocated to regardless of their quantity.