Spread Results - Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has its own unique workspace layout. The following is a list of the available columns that information can be analysed within the Spread Results window.

Note: Spread Results window is read only and no data can be edited.



Line #

The main identifier for a Direct Cost Schedule Item that is automatically numbered and cannot be modified.

Item #

A reference number that can be used to quickly identify the item, this can be supplied by the client to match internal records.


Provides a detailed explanation of what the Direct Cost Schedule item is representing in the project.


The Formula column displays the formula applied to a Direct Cost Schedule item.


The Quantity column displays the number of units required to complete the Direct Cost Schedule item.


The Unit column represents the Unit of measure for the Direct Cost Schedule item.

Estimated Rate

The Estimated Rate column shows the per unit rate of the Direct Cost Schedule item.

This is calculated by dividing the Estimated Total by the Quantity of the Cost Schedule item.

Estimated Total

The Estimated Total represents the cost total of the Direct Cost Schedule item.

This is calculated by using a Cost Estimate, a resource applied to the Schedule Item, or both.

Alternatively, when using Genesis edition, the value can be built exclusively from a Matrix Item assigned to the Direct Cost Schedule item.

Resource Type Total

Provides a per Base Resource Type estimated total of the item.

Hidden Item Spread

The Hidden Item Spread displays the total amount of Hidden Direct Cost Schedule Items spread across each available item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Overhead Spread

The Overhead Spread displays the total amount of Overhead costs spread across each available item.

Risk And Opportunities Spread

The Risk and Opportunities Spread displays the total amount of Risk and Opportunities value spread across each available item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Preadjustments Spread

The Preadjustments Spread displays the total amount of Pre-margin adjustment value spread across each available item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Margin Spread

The Margin Spread displays the total amount of Margin value spread across each available item.

Postadjustments Spread

The Postadjustments Spread displays the total amount of Post-margin adjustment value spread across each available item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Sell Rate

The unit rate that the client will be charged for the item.

This is calculated by dividing the Sell Total by the Item’s Quantity.

This Rate is then rounded in accordance to the Sell Rate rounding rules set within the Spreading section of the Project Properties window.

Sell Rate including Tax

The unit rate that the client will be charged for the item including a Tax.

This is calculated by applying the Tax percentage to the Sell Rate of the Item.

Sell Total

The total amount that the client will be charged for the item.

This is calculated by multiplying the Sell Rate by the Quantity of the item.

If the item is rate only the Sell Total column will be blank.

Sell Total including Tax

The total amount that the client will be charged for the item including a Tax.

This is calculated by multiplying the Sell Total by the Tax percentage.

Tax Amount

The Tax Amount displays the total value of tax that has been applied to the item.

A sales tax as well as the percentage it represents, can be set from the Tax Information section of the Project Properties.

Effective Markup

The percentage that the item has been marked up by.

This is the percentage difference between the Estimated Total and the Sell Total.

Resource Type Hidden Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Hidden Direct Cost Schedule Item value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Overhead Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Overhead Cost Schedule Item value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Risk And Opportunities Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Risk And Opportunities value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Preadjustments Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Pre-margin adjustment value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Margin Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Margin value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Postadjustments Spread

Provides a per Base Resource Type total of the Post-margin adjustment value spread onto the item.

Genesis and Express editions only.

Resource Type Sell Total

Provides a per Base Resource Type sell total of the item.