Project Properties – Workflow

The Workflow section of the Project Properties allows you to configure standardised processes for users to interact with a project’s data. The options within this section allow you to adjust settings relating to the viewing and modifying of information.

To change the information in this section, click the Edit button  in the ribbon menu.

Project Properties window – Workflow




Read-Only Checked Items

When this option is ticked, the Cost Estimates for any Direct/Overhead Cost Schedule items or Group Resources that have an Item/Resource State of Checked will be set as Read-Only until it is changed to Unfinished.

If unticked, the Cost Estimates for Cost Schedule items or Groups Resources can be edited regardless of the Checked state.

Read-Only Finished Items

When this option is ticked, the Cost Estimates for any Direct/Overhead Cost Schedule items or Group Resources that have an Item/Resource State of Finished will be set as Read-Only until it is changed to Unfinished.

If unticked, the Cost Estimates for Cost Schedule items or Groups Resources can be edited regardless of the Finished state.

Note: Due to the standard workflow of Expert Estimation, these Cost Estimate options are turned on by default.