Question Defines
Genesis and Express editions only.
It can be quite useful when working on a project to make use of items completed in other projects. Once copied, simply make the necessary changes to the quantities within the Cost Estimate of the new project.
Question Defines make this process easy and can be utilised in the Cost Estimates of Group Resources, Direct Cost and Overhead Cost Schedule Items.
The list of question defines associated with an item or group resource is accessed by clicking the Question Define button in the ribbon menu of a Cost Estimate.
Question Defines icon
Question defines, like local defines, are named variables that contain values that can be referenced anywhere in the associated Cost Estimate. The difference is that when an item or group resource is copied and then pasted, the Conflict Resolution window will be displayed asking for the new value of each Question Define associated with the Cost Estimate. This is generally formatted as a question such as, “What is the area of the slab?” or “What is the productivity of labour?”.
Question Defines window
Note: The name of a question define must be unique for each cost estimate.
As with all the define types, Question Defines can be referenced in the formula column of a cost estimate by typing the define name starting with the # character.