Subcontractor Comparisons – Independent Cost Estimate

Genesis edition only.

When receiving prices back from a subcontractor it is not uncommon that the rates provided will include extra costs or exclude costs that were originally requested.

The Independent Cost Estimate window allows a user to calculate additional costs that apply to all items included in a quote for a specific subcontractor, so all subcontractors can be compared equally. This window is accessed by clicking View Independent Cost Estimate in the Subcontractor Details – ribbon menu.

Subcontractor Comparisons – Independent Cost Estimate window

Building up costs in the Independent Cost Estimate window is the same as any other cost estimate within the program. Resources used in an independent cost estimate do not contribute to the project’s overall resource usage.


The total value of an independent cost estimate can be spread across the items quoted totals as percentages using the % Independent Cost Estimate column. This allows you to decide which items will receive an adjustment to the prices provided. The summary bar at the bottom of this column displays the Independent Cost Estimate value that has been allocated, what is yet to be allocated and the total value.