Resource Calculation Templates – Calendar – Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has a unique workspace layout. The following displays a list of the available columns available within the Resource Calculation Template  Calendar window.




Indicates the number of days that make up the shift cycle for the Calculation Sheet.

The number of days added to the Template Calendar contributes to calculating the define values of the Resource Calculation Template Automatic Defines.

This column is automatically numbered and cannot be modified directly.


Represents the number of Ordinary hours worked per day for the shift cycle.

The Ordinary column can only contain values between -24 and 24.

Penalty Rates

Represents number of Ordinary hours worked under a Penalty Rate.

The name of the column header is set from within the Penalty Rate Classifications window.

Each Penalty Rate column can only contain values between -24 and 24.


The Total column calculates the total actual hours worked per day cycle.

This column is automatically calculated and cannot be modified directly.

Equivalent Ordinary Hours

Displays the total number of corresponding Ordinary hours worked per day.

Example: If 7 ordinary hours and 4 time and a half hours are worked on a single day, the equivalent ordinary hour’s calculation would be 7 + (4 * 1.5) which would equate to a total of 13 ordinary hours.

This column is automatically calculated and cannot be modified directly.