Release Notes - Version
We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Expert Estimation to gain access to application enhancements and bug fixes as soon as possible.
Please review the following list carefully as it may contain some alterations to existing functionality and features which can affect the way the program is used and the results obtained.
- Added the Italics, Bold, Underline and Highlighting formatting options to the Metric Calculation Sheet.
- Added the ability to clone a Quoter within a Quotation Comparison, with an associated Security Privilege.
- Added the Open Filter Editor button to all relevant ribbon menus.
- Added the Grid Search button to all relevant ribbon menus.
- Added the Column Chooser button to all relevant ribbon menus.
- Added a Base Currency column to the Projects List.
- Added columns to the Cost Estimate Code Allocation window, making it consistent with other Cost Estimate windows in the application.
- Added the ability to change the Sub Category Folder of a Finished Group Resource.
- Added the ability to access the Cost Estimate Code Allocations window for a Group Resource from another Cost Estimate Code Allocations window.
- Added the ability to specify the Display Decimal Rounding for the Code Quantity field.
- Added the Code Quantity, Unit and Rate to the Code Set Resources and Code Set Item Summary reports.
- Added the ability to copy the Description of the Cost Estimate Parent from the Item Details banner in the Cost Estimate window.
- Improved the Paste Special feature with the following enhancements:
- Invalid data can be ignored when pasting.
- The user experience has been improved when using Data Includes Column Headings.
- Error messages are now row specific including error row highlighting.
- Editing Paste data is now enabled by default.
- Pasting into the Resource Explorer now supports percentage for the Tax Impost field.
- Enhanced the Resource Substitution window to provide warning messages when attempting to substitute Resources with different Units and Resource Types.
- Removed the Unit Rate column from the Project Analysis window.
- Improved Cost Estimate Formula highlighting so that Local Define definitions are highlighted when the Local Define is used in a formula.
- Improved Cost Schedule Calculator performance.
- Improved Client side Matrix Performance when the project contains a large number of Matrix Items.
- Improved efficiency of logs included with Error Reports.
- Improved the handling of client connection timeouts to mitigate the impact of slow connections on other users.
- Improved Formula Error Project Messages to include a descriptive error message.
- Improved Quotation Comparison default column sizes to better fit the data.
- Improved the handling of extra spaces when pasting Type/Category in the Resource Explorer.
- Resolved an issue where deleting lines in a Resource Template Calculation Sheet might have resulted in duplicate lines.
- Resolved an issue where clicking Insert Line in an empty Metric Calculation sheet would not add a line.
- Resolved an issue where the Go to Resource function would take the user to an unfiltered Resource Explorer rather than the specific Resource.
- Resolved an issue where Code Set Resources and Code Set Item Summary Reports weren't loading the selected Code Set.
- Resolved an issue where DNS issues led to disconnections that were irrecoverable.
- Resolved an issue where Cost Estimate Line Code Allocations weren't being removed when they were no longer valid.
- Resolved an issue where Allocated Codes in Code Allocations windows could not be filtered, copied or sorted.
- Resolved an issue where copying Codes from the Code Details window would copy all Codes not just the selected Codes.
- Resolved an issue where sorting a Grid might not have left the selected item in view.
- Resolved an issue where opening the Code Set Values Report from the ribbon menu in the Code Set - Codes window would initially generate for the report based on the wrong Code Set.
- Resolved an issue when switching to a Project with identical Matrix Names resulted in a duplicate Name error.
- Resolved an issue where performing an undo on a Take Off Set that was deleted resulted in an error.
- Resolved an issue where updates to Resource Code Allocation would not be shown in the Cost Estimate Allocations window until it had been closed and reopened.
- Resolved an issue where closing the application would occasionally log an error.
- Resolved an issue in the Code Set Allocations windows where copying from the Allocated Codes column resulted in blank data.
- Resolved various reported and unreported bugs.