Options - Reports

The Reports section of the Options contains settings and customisation options relating to the general configuration of all Reports available in Expert Estimation.

Note: In the top right hand corner of this window there is a Reset To Default option which will revert any changes in this window to their default values, this can only be undone by pressing Cancel or re-importing a copy of the desired User Settings through the import button.

Options window – Reports section




Use alternating background colours for report row data

Allows users to apply alternating line colours to all the available reports.

Note: Any user defined highlighting will take precedence over the automatic background colouring.

Include Report headers when exporting to Excel. When checked, the header information on all reports will be included in XLX and XLSX exports.

Replace zero values with the following text

When the option to replace zero values with text is checked in a report's formatting options, the text defined in this field will be shown on a report rather than a value of 0.




Company Name

A company name may be entered to assist in branding a printed report.

This name will be displayed on the right hand side of the footer in all reports.




Select Image

A company logo can be set here, allowing for customisation and company branding on reports.

This image will be displayed on the left-hand side of the header on reports. The image must be JPEG, BMP or PNG format. Once set the image will be displayed above the button.

Clicking the Remove Image button will remove the set logo image.