Cash Flow Scenario Activities – Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has a unique workspace layout. The following displays a list of the available columns available within the Cash Flow Scenario - Activities window.



Activity Number

Displays the unique identifier for the Tasks. This value will be referred to in the Predecessor column.


Provides a detailed explanation of the Task to be completed for the project.

If the Cash Flow Scenario is based on Cost Schedule items, the Task Name will be populated with the Description of the Direct and Overhead Cost Schedule Items.

If the Cash Flow Scenario is based on a Code Set, the Task Name will be populated with the Name of the Codes used within the Code Set selected.

Note: This field is read-only.


Represents the date on which the Task will begin.


Represents the date on which the Task will finish.

This will be automatically adjusted if a Duration is entered against a task.

Note: The Finish Date cannot be set before the Start Date.


Allows the start or finish of a Task to be controlled by other Tasks within the Scenario.

The available Predecessors are:

  • SS – Task cannot start until the predecessor has started.
  • SF – Task cannot finish until the predecessor has started.
  • FF – Task cannot finish until the predecessor has finished.
  • FS – Task cannot start until the predecessor has finished.

Multiple predecessors can be assigned using a comma to separate predecessors.


The Duration column allows you to define a length of time (in days) that the Task will take to complete.

This will be automatically adjusted if a Finished Date is entered for a Task.

Note: The Duration cannot be a negative.