Cash Flow Scenario Cost Scheduling – Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has a unique workspace layout. The following displays a list of the available columns within the Cash Flow Scenario - Cost Scheduling windows.

Note:  The same Grid Columns are available in both Direct and Overhead Cost Scheduling windows. Additionally, only the Date columns can be modified.



Line #

The identifier for an item. This field is populated automatically to assist in identifying the line for formula and general navigation.

Information ()

The Information column displays specific information about the Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule Item.

You can hover your mouse over any of the icons within the Information column and a tooltip will appear providing you with a description of the icon displayed.

Item #

A reference number that can be used to quickly identify the item, this can be supplied by the client to match internal records.


Provides a detailed explanation of what the Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item is representing in the project.


The Formula column displays the formula applied to a Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item.


The Quantity column displays the number of units required to complete the Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

The value shown in the Quantity field, is the value to be distributed across the Date Columns.


The Unit column represents the Unit of measure for the Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Remaining Quantity

Represents the Total Quantity value that has yet to be allocated for a Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Estimated Quantity

Represents the Estimated Quantity value applied to a Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule Item.

As the Estimated Quantity represents a different quantity to base calculations for a cost estimate off other than the quantity specified by the client, the value displayed in this column is not the quantity that is distributed across the Date Columns.

Date Columns

The Date Columns allow you to allocate quantities against each time period for the Duration of the Cash Flow Scenario.

The column headings display the period start date for each period of the Cash Flow Scenario.


Represents the Total Quantity that has been assigned for a Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column does not represent the Total value of a Cost Schedule item.

Resource Name

Specifies the name of the Resource applied to the Direct or Overhead Cost Schedule Item.

Parent Line

When a Cost Schedule item is indented under another, the Parent Line column shows the line number of the parent Cost Schedule item.

Matrix Item

Specifies the name of the Matrix Item applied to the Direct Cost Schedule Item.

Note: This column is only available in the Direct Cost Scheduling window and cannot be edited in the window.