Cost Flow Analysis

Genesis edition only.

The Cost Flow analysis window displays the costs in each period within the scenario for the individual activities.

Cost Flow Analysis window

By default, the results displayed in the Cost Flow analysis will be shown on a per day basis for each Activity based on the Cash Flow Scenario that is currently marked as the Active scenario. A specific usage of a resource unit within the project can also be added.

This is done by adding the column heading from the Pivot Grid Field List to the top left-hand corner of the Cost Flow Pivot Grid. Once added, a new column will be added per activity representing the Resource Unit added.


You can change the format of the data displayed by clicking the Change button, in the bottom left-hand corner in the Options section of the analysis window.




The Unit Option allows for the selection of a resource unit to be analysed as a part of the Cost Flow Analysis.

This will create a new field in the Field List with the name of the Unit selected as the column header.

Only one resource unit can be added to the analysis at a time.