Release Notes – Version 17.0.201

Note: Please check with your IT Service Provider before updating software.

New Features

  • Added the ability to highlight Cost Record information in a number of different windows.
  • Added the ability to Undo and Redo Highlighting of lines in the Contract Items and Overhead windows.
  • Added the ability to split Group resources into their base resource components within the Resource Timesheet window.
  • Added a Sundry Item Summary report that will display an overview of all Sundry Items in the project.
  • Added a Gantt Chart that allows you to define the activities and critical path for a project.
  • Provisional Sum Tender Rate / Amount information is now imported in from Expert Estimation projects.

Application Enhancements

  • Updated the look of the application to suit a more minimalistic look.
  • Added the ability to Undo and Redo Paste Special information in the Cost Explorer.
  • The Options button in all windows will now open the Options directly associated with that window.
  • Expanded the list of available formulas to allow the same conventions used in Expert Estimation Genesis to be accepted.
  • The % of budget being allocated within the Code Allocation window can now be displayed.
  • Any applied highlights can now be exported on the Contract Items and Overhead Items reports.
  • The status of any Potential Delay can now be seen within the Extensions of Time window.
  • The status of any Potential Variations can now be seen within the Variations window.
  • Additional features have been added to the Workflow window making them more accessible.
  • A dedicated option has been added to the Resource Explorer window, allowing you to remove all unused resources.

Bug Fix

  • Resolved a scenario where you could clone a Cost Record earlier than the date specified in the Date Controls window.
  • Resolved a number of errors occurring when changing options in the Contract Items Progress windows.
  • Resolved an issue preventing the Paste Special from completing in the Cost Explorer window.
  • Resolved an issue where the predicted cashflow values would not be cleared in all scenarios.
  • Resolved an error that would occur when generating the Properties Report for multiple resources.
  • Resolved a number of reported and unreported issues.

If you require further explanation of an item, please contact Pronamics Support on +61 7 3481 9626 or email