Minimum System Requirements

To function effectively, most users of Expert Project will require a computer with the following minimum specifications:




1.5 GHz Processor.

2.80 GHz Processor or higher.

2 GB (gigabytes) RAM.

4 GB (gigabytes) RAM.

1024 x 768 display with 32-bit colour.

1920 x 1080 display with 32-bit colour.

200 MB (megabytes) of available hard disk space for installation of software.


Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Server 2008 R2
Server 2012
Server 2016



Microsoft Excel (for linking of Rates and Defines to Excel and exporting reports to Excel format).

Note:  Calculations in Expert Project are completed in a single thread. As such, multicore processors will not increase performance within the program. However, additional cores may improve overall system performance while using Expert Project.