Spread Allocations – Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has a unique workspace layout. The following displays a list of the available columns available within the Spread Allocations window.




The Information column displays specific information about a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

You can hover your mouse over any of the icons within the Information column and a tooltip will appear providing you with a description of the icon displayed.

Line #

The identifier for an item. This field is populated automatically to assist in identifying the line for formula and general navigation.

Note: This field is read-only.

Item #

A reference number that can be used to quickly identify the item, this can be supplied by the client to match internal records.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Direct Spread Allocations window.


Provides a detailed explanation of what the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item is representing in the project.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.


The Formula column displays the formula applied to a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.


The Quantity column displays the number of units required to complete the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Resource Name

Specifies the name of the Resource applied to the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Estimated Rate

The Estimated Rate column shows the per unit rate of the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This field is read only.

Estimated Total

The Estimated Total represents the cost total of the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

This is calculated by using a Cost Estimate, a resource applied to the Schedule Item, or both. Alternatively, when using Genesis edition, the value can be built exclusively from a Matrix Item assigned to the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This field is read only.


Represents how a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item is spread across you Direct Cost Schedule items when allocated.

An item can be weighted by either Item Value or Entered Percentage.

When spreading an item over direct costs weighted by Item Value you specify the percentage of the item to spread and then select the direct cost items which will receive the spread. When the allocation is processed, the value is proportionally spread over the direct cost items based on their value.

When spreading an item over direct costs weighting by Entered Percentage you specify the percentage of the item that is spread directly to each Direct Cost Item.

Total Percentage Allocated

Identifies the percentage of the total allocation that will be spread over on each item.

When allocating an item using the Item Value weighting, you must specify the percentage of the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item that is to be allocated.

When allocating an item using Entered Percentage, the Total Percentage Allocated column shows how much of the item is allocated, based on the percentages entered against the direct cost items. The column also becomes read-only.


The Unit column represents the Unit of measure for the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Item Type

Shows whether the line in the Spread Allocation is a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Item Type

Shows whether the line in the Spread Allocation is a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Item State

Identifies the current status of a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.


This column identifies whether or not a Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item has been excluded from project calculations and ultimately, from the project altogether.

Note: This column cannot be edited in the Spread Allocations window.

Total Allocated Value

This column represents the total value of the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item being allocated.

Note: This field is read only.

# Allocated To

This columns represents the number of items the Hidden or Overhead Cost Schedule item is allocated to currently.

Note: This field is read only.