Code Sets – Grid Columns

Genesis edition only.

Each window within Expert Estimation has a unique workspace layout. The following displays a list of the columns available within the Code Sets window.



Locked item 

Indicates editable status of a Code Set.

If a Lock icon is displayed on a Code Set, changes are unable to be made as it is either being edited by yourself in another window or by another concurrent user.

Hovering the mouse over the Lock icon shows the user that has locked the Code Set from being edited.

Note: This field is read-only.


This column allows you to enter a unique name or identifier for the Code Set.


The Description column allows you to record a detailed explanation for the Code Set.

Sell Values based on Spread Results

The Sell Values based on Spread Results checkbox allows your to determine what values will be calculated for the Sell Values in a particular Code Set.

If ticked, the Sell Values in the Code Set will use the results derived from the Spread Results.

If unticked, the Sell Values of the Code Set will display the sell value that each item contributes to the project.

Note: This will default to ticked for any new Code Set.